Parish Magazine Online March - April 23
Find the March - April 23 Parish Magazine online here
From the Associate Vicar
Rev. Dr. Harriet Every
The times they are a-changing.
At the end of January, we said our fond farewells to Revd. Paul bringing a sense of an ending to us but a new beginning to him, and, on the evening of 14th February, he was 'inducted and collated' as Team Rector of the Linton Team at the church of St Mary theVirgin, Linton by the Bishop of Ely Quite a number of us made the journey to Cambridgeshire for the service and to wish Paul well in his new role. St Mary's is a lovely church, but as you can see from the photos, the interior is currently something of a work in progress!
Our prayers go with him as he starts this new phase of his ministry and we ask God's blessing on him and on his new parishes.
His departure means that, until a new Rector is appointed to the North Dartmoor Parishes, we are in what is known as a vacancy and that is likely to last for some months. This does not mean that everything stops - the churches will continue to function, there will still be the usual Sunday services, there will be baptisms, weddings and funerals and there will be a Church Tent at Chagford Show! However; it does mean that the ministry team will a bit more thinly spread than usual so please be patient if we take a little longerthan usual to respond to requests and emails.
Life is ever changing and full of beginnings. Every year, spring brings a sense of renewal to the world and all of us can take encouragement and joy from the signs of new life and new beginnings we see around us as the days get longer; winter starts to loosen its grip and the signs of spring can be seen in the fields, woods and hedgerows and heard in the song of the birds and the buzz of the bees.
As I write the season of Lent is about to begin - traditionally known as a time to give things up. It is probably more profitably used as a time to take things up - reading the Bible, attending our Lent Course on Women in scripture, spending more time in prayer.
Forty days may seem like a long time as you view it in prospect, but it will not be long before we will come together to sing resounding Alleluias as we celebrate the ultimate demonstration of new life and new hope that we see in the resurrection at Easter.
Now the green blade riseth from the buried grain, wheat that in the dark earth many days has lain; love lives again that with the dead has been. Forth he came at Easter, like the risen grain, he that for three days in the grave had lain, quickfrom the dead, my risen Lord is seen: Love is come again, like wheat that springeth green.
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