Maintaining St Michael’s Churchyard in 2021

by StMichaels Office

Maintaining St Michael’s Churchyard in 2021

This year’s plan for the management of our Churchyard includes just 3 cuts of grass instead of the usual 5, in order to save costs. The first cut was completed in early May after most of the spring flowers had died back; the other two will be near to mid-summer, probably early July, and sometime after Lammas, maybe as late as early October depending on weather: Flowering plants are never cut. Our grateful thanks are extended to the Chagford Conservation Group for raking and clearing the grass from the latest cut.

Maintenance of this community asset is a heavy burden for the Church family to bear, being the highest single expense.

We have received a generous donation from one parish family for us to undertake two extra cuts on the plot containing their family graves. If there are others out there in the community who feel like-minded for other areas of the Churchyard, contributions will be gratefully received and acted upon.

The Churchwardens.

Church cut

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