Update from On The Edge

by StMichaels Office

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An update from Wez Cutler

Thank You...

I have been in Chagford for just over 10 years and we have ben fortunate enough to have had The Mess running for 7 years alongside the other work we do. Although over the years we’ve had lots of young people come and go, one person who has been here week in, week out within The Mess helping to run the sessions is someone everyone gets along with. They are kind, caring and hilariously scatty at times! This person is loved by all the young people who have been to The Mess over the years, especially the girls, and they are always willing to get involved and have a laugh with the groups. I am of course talking about the one and only Liz Goodwin, more commonly known as ‘Granny Lizley’. Liz started volunteering at The Mess right at the beginning when it opened and has been a constant presence ever since. She has been involved in all sorts of projects within the groups, from Rag Rugging the trees at Chagford School to providing us with a lovely wild mushroom meal when a group of us walked The Saint’s Way. Liz has been such a great volunteer over the years and supported me in all of the crazy ideas I’ve had.

So, why am I talking about Liz? Well, for a number of reasons she has decided to call an end to her volunteering at The Mess and it would be wrong to not acknowledge her dedication and hard work. Naturally, we are all very sad to see her go (although I’m sure she will keep in touch), but wish her all the best for the new journey ahead – whatever it ends up being! Thanks for all the laughs, love and support! You are amazing!

Table Tennis (Launched June 2019):

Table Tennis has continued to be a popular group and over the time we have been running it, we have seen regular attendees grow in their table tennis skills and begin to understand a bit more about how physically intensive it can really be. I try to work 1-1 with a couple of different young people each week on a particular skill or part of the game. For example; just before Christmas I was working on serving with one person and forehand control and technique with another. The challenge really comes when young people can’t quite get it to start with and the need to persevere. But, their faces and body language when they finally start being able to see their improvement is amazing and worth the effort. I don’t think it will be long before we can introduce a friendly, but competitive mini league at the club!

Wednesdays @ 4:30pm-5:30pm in Jubilee Hall for school years 7+

Drama (Launched September 2019): 

Back in December we put on our very first drama group performance. To say I was proud of what the group had achieved would be an understatement. We had an audience made up of parents and family as well as some members of the community who came to support. I think, we can get more along next time! The stage was light, the props were out and the young people nailed their performance. One parent stated that he was so impressed and brought to tears at the performance. Our running theme was community and about working together to ensure that everyone is included – at Christmas, but also at other points throughout the year. This term we will be starting to add more words to our performance and the young people will be starting to write their own short plays to perform at our end of term production on Thursday 19th March in Endecott House.

For the first half of term, anyone is welcome to join our open sessions full of drama and fun games. From 27th Feb (after half term), young people will be required to sign up for the rest of the term as we work towards our show!

Thursdays @ 6:30pm-8pm in Endecott House/Jubilee Hall for school years 7+

The Mess Sessions from September 2019

Mondays: 4pm-5:30pm - Years 9+ @ The Mess

Tuesdays: 3:30pm-5pm - Year 6 @ The Mess

Thursdays: 4pm-5:30pm - Years 7&8 @ The Mess

Chagford Film Nights in the Gospel Church : One Sunday a month @ 5:00pm-7:30pm (Parents of regular attendees will be notified)

Youth Bible Study in The Mess : EVERY 4TH SUNDAY @ 9:45am-10:45am

Contact details

Email: wesleycutler@hotmail.co.uk

Mobile: 07540127827

Website: www.ote-chagford.org

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