Foundations in Christian Ministry Course ...

by StMichaels Office

... and how I came to be there

(an article by Judith Oakes)

I could tell you about the structure of the FiCM Course, the range of subjects and how the Study Days are planned, but you would probably find the website more informative I could tell you about the interesting people I’ve met on the course, but those I find interesting, you may not. I could give you an account of one of the Study Days, but Lesley did that brilliantly - Jesus is for Life, not just for Christmas - in an autumn edition of the Parish Magazine. So, I thought I would tell you how and why I decided – or was led - to apply for the course.

A Seedlings group, of which I am a member, meets every other week in Church House, South Tawton. We have studied and discussed, amongst other things, a series of books which explore texts that have been particularly significant to Christians, for example The Lord’s Prayer, The Beatitudes, The Commandments. This activity confirmed I knew a little but not enough, and there was much more I wanted to discover and understand about the Christian Faith. Other members of Seedlings had completed the FiCM Course and found it helpful; after avoiding the commitment for some time, I made the decision to apply.

Rather too close for comfort to the closing date I discussed applying for the course with Revd Paul and he agreed to support my application as did another Referee. I expected the Application Form to be fairly routine, but in addition to the usual questions some were surprisingly thought-provoking, and this was followed through at the Interview.

Fortunately I was accepted and have not been disappointed. One of the recommended books I’m reading is about Celtic Christianity. I have learnt that Celtic Christians cared for and had a positive view of nature, they celebrated the goodness and beauty of God’s Creation in their daily lives, valued community and the importance of mission, learning, art and poetry – all relevant to the needs and concerns of our lives today.

Judith Oakes

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